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Available Grants

The following is a list of grants and funding available to businesses:


Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) Wage Subsidy 
Government of Canada

Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) provides wage subsidies to employers from not-for-profit organizations, the public sector, and private sector organizations with 50 or fewer full-time employees, to create quality summer work experiences for young people aged 15 to 30 years.


Labour Force Training (Due Date: Open Deadline)
Working NB

The program provides funding to eligible businesses and organizations to train individuals who are being considered for an available job in their company and/or to improve the skills and opportunities of their new or existing employees. It is recognized that employee training is primarily the responsibility of the employer; however given the current labour market context in New Brunswick, the WorkingNB branch of the Department of Post-Secondary Education Training and Labour (PETL) wants to encourage employers to provide strategic training to their workforce as per the program’s criteria.


Student Employment Experience Development (SEED)

PETL WorkingNB

The Student Employment Experience Development (SEED) program provides funding to employers to create summer job opportunities for students.  The program provides eligible students with a summer job of up to twelve (12) weeks in duration with a New Brunswick employer between April 22nd and August 30th, 2024.


Propel Student Work Placement Program
Tourism HR Canada

The Propel Student Work Placement Program supports the growth of a vibrant and skilled tourism sector by connecting students in any discipline with tourism employers for paid, hands-on learning opportunities.


Strategic Initiatives Fund (Due Date: Open Deadline)
Government New Brunswick

The Strategic Initiatives Fund – Strategic Growth & Development Component aims to assist arts and culture organizations and cultural industries with initiatives that enhance growth, professionalism, and sustainable contributions to the cultural sector.



Canada Digital Adoption Program (Due Date: Open Deadline)
Government of Canada - Innovation, Science, and Economic Development

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