St. Martins and District Chamber of Commerce
Regional Tourism Association
Mission Statement
The St. Martins & District Chamber of Commerce and Regional Tourism Association creates and promotes a dynamic, welcoming business environment that encourages responsible, sustainable entrepreneurship, and enhances quality of life for all members of the community.
Vision Statement
To be the leading St. Martins & District business organization, providing maximum opportunity and value to those who participate by being the driving force behind business people, living, learning, and growing together.
Membership Benefits
- Marketing opportunities.
- Representation with:
- Mayor and Council.
- Government New Brunswick.
- Destination St. Martins.
- Chamber Presidents Meetings.
- Rural Upper Bay of Fundy Regional Destination Development Project.
- Atlantic Chamber of Commerce.
- Networking and learning opportunities.
- Speaker series.
- Annual membership general meeting Christmas dinner/Spring Fling.
- General membership meetings.
- Event participation/volunteering/administration.
- Fundy Sea Shanty Festival.
- Rising Tides Trails and Tunes.
- Christmas in the Village.
- Access to data and grants.
- GNB-THC Geofencing results.
- GNB-THC postal code (Prism) visitor and marketing data.
- Atlantic Chamber photo and video grants (2022) .
- Chamber health/financial planning membership plan packages.